To the Crossroads of Europe & Asia: A Voyage from Istanbul to the Black Sea, the Meeting Place of East and West, August 8-18


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This is a rare chance to extend your photographic skills while aboard an exotic 12-day cruise: To the Crossroads of Europe & Asia: A Voyage from Istanbul to the Black Sea, the Meeting Place of East and West. Our cruise begins in Istanbul, continues along the Black Sea coast and explores the fascinating but rarely visited Sea of Azov, a large inland sea at the mouth of Russia’s Don River. We will be sailing on the Corinthian II, a luxurious small cruise ship that will be making daily stops at famous historic sites and destinations of glorious natural beauty in Turkey, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia and beyond. I will be offering a series of photography-related lectures on the key elements of travel photography and instruction to help you create memorable photographs of your voyage using your digital camera.

For more information, go to the Travel Dynamics website.