Archive for 2009

Fall Workshops

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

It’s been a busy, challenging and fun summer.

My summer weekend workshops at Winterthur, Chanticleer and the Chicago Botanical Garden all sold out and got rave reviews; now return visits are on the drawing board. My recent illustrated lectures at The New York Botanical/Zoological Photographic Society and The Westchester Photographic Society attracted large crowds and I’ve been asked to come back in the spring.

Now I am gearing up for a series of new learning opportunities for you this fall. Here’s what will be happening in the weeks ahead:


I will be at the New York Botanical Garden on October 3, doing a one-day workshop
on “The Power of Natural Light;” and again on October 24-25 for a weekend workshop
on “Photographing Fabulous Fall Flowers.” The first will help you analyze and utilize any lighting situation you may encounter and the second will focus on the amazing annual Kiku Exhibition of Japanese chrysanthemums, as well as the lush floral borders around the grounds. For details and to register, go to, then scroll down to find these listings.


On October 9-11, I will be at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington D.C. to offer a “Flower & Sculpture Photography” workshop.

Flower and Sculpture Photography

We’ll start with a illustrated lecture on Friday evening, which is open to the public. Then we will spend the weekend immersed in exploring basic and advanced floral close-up photography techniques, as well as finding imaginative ways to photograph sculpture in this capital garden setting.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Workshop

During two Saturdays at the peak of autumn color, on October 31 and November 7, I’ll be giving a photo workshop at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden called “Capturing Fall Foliage with a Digital Camera.” This workshop is filling up quickly. For a full description and registration information, go to, scroll down to Oct. 31 and click on the + on the left.

Fabulous Fall Flowers

Fabulous Fall Flowers

On November 1, I will offer a one-day workshop, “Fall Foliage at the New York Botanical Garden,” for Workshops@Adorama, the huge camera and electronics supply store on 18th St. in Manhattan. The workshop includes a review session on November 8. For details and to register, go to

My fall plans will be capped with lectures/workshops I will give on three very exciting Travel Dynamics International cruises. The first two are parts of “From the Shores of Morocco to Patagonia: A Grand Voyage to West Africa, the Cape Verde Islands, and South America,” starting Nov. 10. My focus in these lectures will be on nature and travel photography because we will be seeing some of the world’s most spectacular landscapes—from huge sand dunes to frozen glaciers—plus lots of exotic birds, and many historic destinations and distinctive peoples.

The Power of Natural Light

The first leg of this voyage, which goes until Rio de Janeiro, is being co-sponsored by the International Center of Photography. In addition to the general lectures, ICP participants will get special on-site photographic instructions plus individual consultations and group critiques. For details and to register, go to the ICP website at

From the Shores of Morocco to Patagonia

The second leg of the voyage goes from Rio de Janeiro to Patagonia. Then the third cruise, which immediately follows these two, is “Antarctica Discovery” starting Dec. 10.

I hope you will be able to join me at some point on these exciting learning cruises. It was great fun to meet so many avid photographers and offer lectures and photography instruction on my previous cruise with Travel Dynamics International, “Fabled Islands of the Mediterranean: From Barcelona to Athens.” By the end of that cruise, everyone’s photography improved – even those who only had simple point-and-shoot cameras, and at the end of the cruise, all participants received a memory stick with images all of us had taken. Contact me if you have any questions.

Save the Date

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Chicago Botanic Garden

Feb. 19-21: Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, Florida. You can view the online catalog at; scroll down until you find the listing. Registration is by mail only.

March 7-10: Chicago Flower Show. My workshop will focus on digital photography techniques; stay tuned for details.

March 12-13: Chicago Botanical Garden; I will be offering a workshop on macro photography.

April 8-11: Dallas Arboretum will sponsor my workshop on “Photographing Texas Wildflowers” to be held in the Texas countryside.

May 14-16: Winterthur Museum & Country Estate in Delaware.

On the Drawing Board

Sunday, October 4th, 2009
White Sands

White Sands

In January, 2010, I am planning to once again offer one of my most popular nature photography workshops in New Mexico. The first few days will focus on photographing birds at Bosque del Apache, one of the premier wintering locations for huge flocks of snow geese, sand cranes and other wild birds. Then we will shoot the uniquely dramatic New Mexico landscape as we move to and spend a few days at White Sands National Monument. The preliminary dates are Jan. 16-24. Please contact me by October 31 if you are interested and want more information.

I mentioned previously that I spent a week in Iceland and fell in love with its majestic landscapes, fascinating geology—that was my first career before I got hooked on photography—and profuse birdlife. I am in the process of planning an Iceland photo workshop next June in collaboration with Focus on Nature, a local organizer of photography workshops in Iceland. I will let you know if the exact dates and details as soon as I have them. Contact me if you are interested.

I am also in the process of planning a photo workshop in Alaska next summer in collaboration with the Anchorage Botanical Garden. This workshop will feature garden and wildflower locations in fabulous mountain settings. Stay tuned and contact me if an Alaska workshop would interest you.

Memories of Ted Kennedy

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

As you know, Senator Edward M. Kennedy died recently. His passing reminded me of a connection I had with him years ago. Back in the late 1970’s, Kennedy was working on a book called “Our Day and Generation,” which compiled his thoughts and speeches on a variety of timely topics. The book was illustrated with photographs taken by many photographers. I had the honor and privilege to be asked to contribute two photographs that were used in the book. In addition, he bought some of my prints for his personal collection. As they say, six degrees of separation.

Holiday Gift Ideas

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Looking for a very special gift for someone in your life? Consider these:

  • Registration in one of my workshops. Contact me if you need advice on this.
  • A custom archival print of one of my images. Most of the images in the Portfolio section are available. Please contact me for more information. Orders received by November 1 will be sent in time for holidays in December.

Upcoming Workshops & Lectures - Fall 2009

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

My summer workshop season is winding down and I’m happy to report it was a big success.

It was great fun to meet so many avid photographers and offer lectures and photography instruction on the Travel Dynamics International cruise, “Fabled Islands of the Mediterranean: From Barcelona to Athens.” Everyone’s photography improved and at the end of the cruise, all participants received a memory stick with images all of us had taken.

I spent a week in Iceland and fell in love with its majestic landscapes, fascinating geology—that was my first career before I got hooked on photography—and profuse birdlife. I’m looking into going back to do a photo workshop next summer. Contact me if you are interested.

My summer weekend workshops at Winterthur, Chanticleer and the Chicago Botanical Garden all sold out and got rave reviews.

Now I am gearing up for a new series of learning opportunities for you this fall. Here’s what will be happening in the weeks ahead:

  • First, I’m off to Alaska in mid-August to shoot the huge floral arrangements that hang from lampposts around Anchorage, a signature feature of this city. I’ll also be scouting garden and wildflower locations in fabulous mountain settings for a very special week-long summer workshop next year. Stay tuned and contact me if an Alaska workshop would interest you.
  • Monday, September 7 is not just Labor Day. It’s also the day of the wildly colorful and exciting Caribbean Day Parade in Brooklyn. If you want to come along for a “Meet and Shoot” learning opportunity, contact me for the details.
  • The New York Botanical/Zoological Photographic Society has invited me to give an illustrated lecture on “Photographing Flora and Fauna Around the World” on Saturday, September 12 starting at 10 a.m. at Fordham Prep. I’ll be showing my images of wildflowers, birds and animals taken on my assignments and journeys around the world. If you want to come to this presentation, contact Veronica Saunders at [email protected] for details.
  • The Power of Natural Light


  • The Westchester Photographic Society has asked me to give an illustrated lecture on “The Power of Natural Light” on Friday, September 25 starting at 8 p.m. at Westchester Community College, Valhalla, N.Y. The presentation will focus on analyzing the qualities of light—intensity, direction and color—and how to make the most of every kind of light throughout the day and the year using your digital camera. If you want to attend this lecture, contact Mano Orel at [email protected] for details.
  • Flower and Sculpture Photography


  • Newly Added!. At the US Botanical Garden we’ll be exploring basic and advanced close-up photography techniques with a “Flower & Sculpture Photography” workshop, from October 10-11.
  • I’ll be doing a photo workshop at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden called “Capturing Fall Foliage with a Digital Camera,” during the peak of autumn color on two Saturdays—Oct. 31 and Nov. 7. For a full description and registration information, go to /edu/adult/, scroll down to Oct. 31 and click on the + on the left.

From the Shores of Morocco to Patagonia


My fall plans will be capped with lectures/workshops I will give on two very exciting Travel Dynamics International cruises: “From the Shores of Morocco to Patagonia: A Grand Voyage to West Africa, the Cape Verde Islands, and South America,” starting Nov. 10; followed by “Antarctica Discovery” starting Dec. 10. My focus in these lectures will be on nature and travel photography because we will be seeing some of the world’s most spectacular landscapes—from huge sand dunes to frozen glaciers - plus lots of exotic birds, and many historic destinations and distinctive peoples.

May 3: Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

The Brooklyn Botanic Garden has one of the grandest displays of blossoming cherry trees in the New York City area. This Workshop will show you how to capture the beauty of these trees at the peak of their bloom. During this Workshop, the focus will be on learning to pre-visualize your image before shooting; learning how different lenses can help you create the image you want; working with filters to enhance your image; varying your composition with overviews, vignettes and close-ups; and integrating people into the scene. You will spend a full day at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden during this annual festival celebrating the flowering cherry trees, followed by a two-hour review session of your photographs at Adorama later in the week, on Thursday evening.

To read more and register, click here

May 9: Focus on Flowers: Digital Flower & Garden Photography at the Conservatory Garden in Central Park

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

If you need guidance on the intricacies of digital photography, including how to properly use in-camera menus and options, to create fabulous images of flowers and gardens, this is the workshop for you. Through hands-on instruction on the beautiful grounds of the world class Conservatory Garden in Central Park at the height of the spring bloom, Allen Rokach will offer you wonderful opportunities to perfect your technical and creative skills. By the end of this all-day workshop, you’ll know how to control exposure, focus, sharpness and other elements to produce just the kind of images you want.

To read more and register, click here

May 10: Capturing the Beauty of Tulips, Early Spring Bulbs & Flowering Trees at The New York Botanical Garden

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

The New York Botanical Garden bursts into bloom each spring and its tulips and flowering trees will be the focus in this all-day photography Workshop. You will concentrate on stretching your photographic skills so you can craft not just good or competent images of flowers and gardens but truly great ones. During the field session and review session, master photographer Allen Rokach will share the techniques professionals use to produce dramatic photographs of tulips, flowers and trees. You will receive in-depth instruction on making the best use of natural light throughout the day; portraying flowers and trees in their garden setting; composing with lines, shapes, textures and abstract forms; choosing the best lens for the task; mastering floral close-ups; and understanding the technical potential of digital cameras for achieving creative outcomes. You will spend a full day at the New York Botanical Garden followed by a two-hour review later in the week, at Adorama on Thursday evening.

To read more and register, click here

May 15-17: Getting To Know Your Digital Camera: A Primer for Flower & Garden at Winterthur Museum & Garden in Wilmington, DE

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Shutterbugs take note! Master flower and garden photographer Allen Rokach will demonstrate the basics for using in-camera menus and options on your point-and-shoot and SLR digital camera. Enjoy presentations, hands-on instruction, and field photography on Winterthur’s beautiful grounds. By the end of the weekend, you will know how to better control exposure, focus, and other aspects of your image.

To read more and register, click here


Sold Out - July 17-19: Summer Garden Photography Weekend Workshop at Chanticleer in Wayne, PA

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

How can you stretch your photographic skills from creating good or competent images of flowers and gardens to crafting truly great ones? Master photographer Allen Rokach will share techniques professionals use to produce dramatic photographs of flowers and gardens, ones that make viewers take notice and leave a lasting impression. We will explore the variety of flower beds, water gardens, woodlands and other world-class settings at Chanticleer at the peak of summer bloom to learn and enhance our photographic skills. Through lectures, field sessions and review sessions, you will receive in-depth instruction on making the best use of natural light throughout the day; mastering floral close-ups; portraying flowers in their garden setting, including the lotus water gardens; and understanding the technical potential of digital cameras and after-capture techniques for achieving creative outcomes.

To read more and register, click here

Sold Out - July 24-26: The Joy of Photographing Flowers: Lecture and Weekend Workshop at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Lecture and audio-visual presentation ON Fri., July 24, 7 – 9 p.m.
Weekend workshop on Sat. & Sun., July 25-26

How can you stretch your photographic skills from creating competent images of flowers or gardens to crafting truly great ones? Master photographer Allen Rokach will share the techniques professionals use to produce dramatic photographs of flowers and gardens. We will explore a variety of flowerbeds, water gardens, woodlands, and other settings at the Garden to learn and enhance our photographic skills at the peak of the season’s bloom.Through lectures, field and review sessions, you will receive in-depth instruction on making the best use of natural light throughout the day, mastering floral close-ups, portraying flowers in their garden setting, and understanding the technical potential of digital cameras. Students must bring their digital cameras and laptops for the field and review sessions.

To read more and register, click here

Fall Travel Photography Workshop on Cruise from Morocco to Patagonia

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Allen will be offering an in-depth photography workshop for Travel Dynamics, renowned for its educational cruises, during an exciting fall cruise that begins in North Africa and ends at the southern tip of South America. For further information, click here.

New Southern Living Spread

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Explore the soft colors, shade, and intimate spaces in this wonderful South Carolina garden that is featured in the July issue of Southern Living. See the new spread here (pdf ~1MB)

Texas Wildflowers

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

Some of my latest photos from a trip to Brenham, Texas. Click here to see the flickr photoset.

Upcoming Workshops and Lectures - Spring 2009

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Spring is coming and that means a bunch of new photography workshops are on their way. I hope you’ll be able to join me at one or more. Here are the first few. More will be listed soon. Just click on the link for a full description and registration information—or go to the Workshops page.

  • March 1: Capturing the Beauty of Orchids in New York (register by Feb. 23)
  • March 10-11: Focus on Flowers: Creating Floral Portraits at the Chicago Flower & Garden Show
  • March 27-29: The Art of Flower & Garden Photography at the Dallas Botanical Garden*
  • April 4: Capturing the Beauty of Orchids at The New York Botanical Garden
  • April 5: Photographing Flowers with Your Point & Shoot Camera: Introduction to Digital Flower & Garden Photography
  • April 18-19: Perspectives on the Spring Garden at The New York Botanical Garden
  • May 2: Mastering the Art of Garden Photography at The New York Botanical Garden
  • May 15-17: Getting to Know Your Digital Camera: A Primer for Flower & Garden at Winterthur Museum & Garden, Wilmington, DE
  • July 17-19: Summer Garden Photography Weekend Workshop

*The Dallas workshop is sold out but is taking names for a waiting list. You can still register for the Power of Natural Light lecture, happening on Friday evening.

Here Comes the Judge

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

I’ll be one of the people judging flower and garden photography by the pros who submitted their work to the upcoming Garden Writers of America conference in Washington D.C. on March 13-15.