Archive for the ‘Workshops’ Category

Upcoming Workshops

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Conveying a Sense of Place - Allen Rokach

To view additional images of these destinations, check the “New Shoots” posted to the right.

July 5-8: Focus on Flowers: Lotuses and Waterlilies: a weekend workshop that gives us a wonderful opportunity to focus on photographing lotuses and waterlilies at two prime aquatic gardens in the Washington D.C. area. For details, click here.

August/September: New York City: People and Places: a series of one-day workshops plus review sessions, co-sponsored by FotoCare, that will explore various locations around the five boroughs to capture the diversity of the city and its people. Check back for exact dates and locations.

December 1-8: Birds & Landscapes of New Mexico: an 8-day photography workshop that combines two special locations: the Basque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, a major destination for wintering birds; and White Sands National Monument, famous for its pure white gypsum dunes. For details, click here.

January 4-24: Travel Photography Adventure in South India: a 21-day travel photography experience that will take participants to the best locations for images of India’s people and their fascinating culture. For details, click here.

March 2-4: Key West: Color and Light: a weekend travel photography workshop that explores the unique charm of this South Florida destination. For details, click here.

March 12-19: Desert Landscapes of Death Valley: a 9-day workshop that will explore a variety of fascinating landscapes in Death Valley National Park, plus a few destinations near Las Vegas. For details, click here.

April 4-8: Wildflowers of Texas: a 5-day flower photography workshop in the countryside around Brenham, Texas. For details, click here.

April 19-29: Storybook Holland: an 11-day travel photography experience that will take participants to the best locations for capturing Holland’s gardens and vast fields of bulbs at the peak of the spring bloom. For details, click here.

Fall 2018: Cuba’s People & Places: A Travel Photography Adventure: a 10-day photography workshop that will explore fascinating locations in Havana, Vinales, the countryside and historical towns around Cuba. For details, click here.

Fall 2018: Fall Color at The Chicago Botanic Garden: a weekend workshop that will feature the lush autumn colors at this world class botanical garden. Check back for more information.

Focus on Flowers: Lotuses and Waterlilies: July 5-8

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Peony - Allen Rokach

There’s something very alluring about water gardens and this workshop will take you to two of the best: Lilypons Water Garden and Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, both in the Washington, D.C. area.

At each location, we will hone techniques to capture the beauty of lotuses and waterlilies, which will be in full bloom at this time. The techniques will help you incorporate reflections, eliminate glare, expose properly, and compose beautifully even when you can’t get very close to your subject.

There will be early morning and late afternoon shoots plus two review sessions during and after lunch. In addition, in our daily review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast.

The cost of this workshop with 3 nights’ accommodations at Hampton Inn is $450 for a double room and $650 for single room including breakfast.

New York City: People and Places: August & September

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

NYBG - Allen Rokach

Check back soon for exact dates and locations.

Birds & Landscapes of New Mexico: December 1-8

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

New Mexico - Allen Rokach

This unusual 8-day nature photography workshop takes participants to two distinctive locations in New Mexico to photograph two extraordinary aspects of nature.

We begin outside Albuquerque at the Basque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, which is the winter home to huge flocks of frisky Snow Geese and elegant Sandhill Cranes, plus other birds and wildlife. We will rise early to experience and photograph these wild birds as they land in their watery feeding grounds, returning again toward sunset to capture their departing flights. We will practice various techniques for photographing these birds in action and in flight, capturing them against the dramatic mesas and foothills in the background. It is truly an awe-inspiring experience to watch and photograph these birds at such close range and in such a stunning setting.

Then we drive to White Sands National Monument for a chance to see and capture the remarkably pure white gypsum sand dunes outside Alamogordo. The sinuous shapes of the dunes and the fascinating textures along their surface are a photographer’s dream to play with in every kind of light. Finally, after reviewing our images, we return to Basque del Apache for another chance to photograph birds.

In addition, in our daily review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast.

For more information and to register, contact Allen at [email protected] or 646-519-1751.

Travel Photography Adventure in South India: January 4-24

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

India - Allen Rokach

This intensive travel photography workshop takes participants to South India, one of the world’s most exotic and colorful destinations. I’ve been to India numerous times and can tell you that it is a photographer’s dream — visually rich and culturally fascinating. South India is home to fabulous Hindu temples, colorful markets, fascinating villages, unspoiled beaches, misty hillside plantations and much more, offering a stunning array of photographic opportunities.

This workshop will pay special attention to the needs of photographers. The group is limited to ten participants. That means you’ll have plenty of individual attention in the field and enough time in each location for serious photography. We’ll have opportunities to respond to the unexpected and even for review sessions every few days along the way.

For more information and to register, contact Allen at [email protected] or 646-519-1751. Note: this workshop is almost full.

Key West: Color and Light: March 2-4

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Sponsored by the Key West Art and Historical Society

Key West - Allen Rokach

This digital photography workshop begins with an evening lecture on “The Power of Natural Light,” that will awaken your sensitivity to the beauty of all kinds of natural light.

Then we will have two days of intensive photography at the most iconic locations around Key West, as well as some little-known gems. We will concentrate on creating distinctive images built around color, shape, line and texture, making strong visual statements using these abstract elements of design. In the end, each participant will have a rich portfolio of images of this charming, picturesque and spectacular island.

We’ll be out in the field at sunrise and sunset to get the most interesting light. In between, we’ll have time for instruction in techniques you can apply immediately that focus on problem-solving, helping you hone your individual skills, and working with smartphones and iPads.

In addition, in our daily review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast.

For more information and to register, contact Allen at [email protected] or 646-519-1751.

Desert Landscapes of Death Valley: March 12-19

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Death Valley - Allen Rokach

Death Valley is a magical landscape. Despite its forbidding name — it is hellishly hot in the summer — it contains some of the most exquisite desert landscapes on Earth.

Here you’ll find countless colorful landforms, like Zabriskie Point and Artist’s Palette, sculpted by the forces of erosion and painted by the varied minerals in their sedimentary layers. You’ll also discover sinuous sand dunes, deep canyons and craters, massive salt flats, snow-covered mountain peaks and much more to inspire and challenge you photographically. The repeating patterns and sweeping vistas at the salt flats will provide endless opportunities for the landscape photographer, while the details in the salt are a macro photographer’s dream. Please join me on this incomparable 8-day photographic adventure for the chance to experience and shoot all these amazing sights.

I’ll get you to each location at the optimal time for capturing them, from sunrise to sunset and even into the night so you can appreciate and photograph the amazing star-studded desert sky. And with a little luck, we’ll have the chance to witness a desert bloom and shoot wildflowers in this stunning environment — perhaps with snowy mountains as the backdrop.

In addition, in our review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast.

To top it all off, I was able to reserve just five rooms at the historic Furnace Creek Ranch inside Death Valley National Park. I have only a limited amount of time to hold these rooms so, if you are interested in participating, I must hear from you and get your $500 deposit by September 1, 2017. Send your check to Allen Rokach Photography, 205 West End Ave. #27B, New York, NY 10023

This workshop is open to photographers at all levels but you must be familiar with your camera. For more information, contact me at [email protected] or 646-519-1751.

Wildflowers of Texas: April 4-8

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Wildflowers of Texas - Allen Rokach

We’ll be returning to the Brenham area of Texas, a prime spring wildflowers destination, for this popular 5-day digital photography workshop. We will go to several locations, including private ranches, to find the best places for photographing the eye-popping array of bluebonnets, coreopsis, Indian paintbrush, Texas wine cups and other colorful specimens which blanket wide swatches of the landscape here. We’ll be photographing at sunrise and late afternoon to sunset with time in between for instruction on the finer points of digital photography, including after-capture techniques; review sessions; and personal exploration of the local towns. This workshop sold out last year so register early.

For more information and to register, contact Allen at [email protected] or 646-519-1751.

Storybook Holland: April 19-29

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Wildflowers of Texas

It’s been a few years since I last offered this very special foreign travel photography workshop. So don’t miss this chance to join me as we focus on Holland’s amazing extravaganza of tulips and other bulbs at prime locations in the Dutch countryside. We will also explore several of Holland’s charming and colorful villages.

You’ll be amazed by the acres of beautifully planted bulbs at the Keukenhof Gardens and a countryside blanketed with tulip fields. You’ll be delighted by the canals of Giethoorn and the iconic windmills around the town of Lekkerkirk. Visits to wonderful private gardens will complete your rare photo experience.

Our trip is geared to the needs and interests of photographers. Our group is limited to ten participants so you will get personal attention and one-on-one assistance throughout the workshop, whether you need advice on choosing the right lens, using the right settings, making the most of available light, adjusting to various kinds of weather or creating exciting compositions with color, texture and lines. Along the way, we will make time for review sessions to learn from each other’s images and develop our skills using easy after-capture techniques.

I invite you to join me on this spectacular photographic journey.

For more information and to register, contact Allen at [email protected] or 646-519-1751. To hold your space, your deposit of $1,000 is due by February 10, 2018. Send your check to Allen Rokach Photography, 205 West End Ave. #27B, New York, NY 10023

Cuba’s People & Places: A Travel Photography Adventure: Fall 2018

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Conveying a Sense of Place - Allen Rokach

With the recent normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba, more people than ever have been heading to this heretofore off-limits Caribbean island. All the more reason to get there soon, before its character changes.

This 9-day travel photography workshop has been arranged with an organization that has long experience running “People to People” humanitarian programs in Cuba – and has all the necessary permits and approvals, both from the US Department of State and Cuba. That means we can depend on going there and getting to great locations chosen especially for photographers.

Our journey will take us to Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Vinales and Havana so we can experience the full range of Cuba’s people, places and culture. We will include time at Cuba’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, districts with historic colonial architecture, cobblestone streets and picturesque port areas lined with fisherman and vendors of all kinds. We will visit many small art studios and cultural shops, open air markets with handicrafts, and will have opportunities to interact with local artists, writers, musicians, and dancers. We also will venture into natural areas of great scenic beauty – mountains, waterfalls, plants and beaches – and into the countryside for a glimpse of tobacco and other plantations, where we’ll meet typical Cuban farming families.

Along the way, we will make time for review sessions and we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our
images working with today’s amazing but simple after- capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast.

For more information, a complete itinerary and to register, contact me at [email protected] or 646-519-1751.

A Weekend of Photography Programs at the Chicago Botanic Garden: Fall 2018

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Essence of a Wave - Allen Rokach

Check back soon for more information.

Upcoming Workshops

Thursday, January 28th, 2016


To view additional images of these destinations, check “New Shoots” posted to the right.

SOLD OUT — March 4-6: Key West: Color and Light: a weekend photography workshop that explores the unique charms of this South Florida destination; sponsored by the Key West Art and Historical Society; for details, click here.

SOLD OUT — April 7-10: Wildflowers of Texas: a 4-day photography workshop in the countryside around Brenham, Texas; sponsored by the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden; for details, click here.

April 25-May 5: Storybook Holland: an 11-day travel photography experience that will take participants to the best locations for capturing Holland’s vast expanses of bulbs at the peak of the spring bloom; for details, click here.

May 16-20: Photographing the Great Gardens of the Mid-Atlantic Region: a 5-day photography exploration of Chanticleer, the Winterthur Estate, Longwood Gardens, and Mount Cuba Center; co-sponsored by Chanticleer Pleasure Garden and Mount Cuba Center; for details, click here.

SOLD OUT — May 27-31: Cuba: Incredible Havana and Beyond: a 5-day travel photography workshop that will concentrate on fascinating locations in Havana and Vinales; this portion is sponsored by Key West Art and Historical Society; a 3-night optional extension will explore the countryside and historical towns around Cuba; for details, click here.

July 11-15: Photographing the Great Gardens of Chicago: a 5-day photographic exploration of five spectacular gardens in and around Chicago at the height of the summer bloom; sponsored by the Chicago Botanic Garden; for details, click here.

September 16-26: Landscapes of the American West: an 11-day landscape and travel photography experience that will take participants to the best locations for capturing the dramatic beauty of the American West; for details, click here.

October 14-17: A Weekend of Photography Programs at the Chicago Botanic Garden: an evening lecture; a 2-day flower and garden photography workshop; and a symposium on business techniques for aspiring nature photographers; all sponsored by the Chicago Botanic Garden; for details, click here.

October 22-29: Big Bend National Park: an 8-day photography experience that explores the natural wonders of this evocative off-the-beaten-path Texas national park, plus excursions to the nearby towns of Marathon, Alpine and Marfa, TX; for details, click here.

December 2-9: Birds & Landscapes of New Mexico: an 8-day photography workshop that combines the Basque del Apache Wildlife Refuge and White Sands National Monument; sponsored by the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden; for details, click here.

Key West: Color and Light: March 4-6 (SOLD OUT)

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Sponsored by the Key West Art and Historical Society


This digital photography workshop begins with an evening lecture on “The Power of Natural Light” to awaken your sensitivity to the beauty of all kinds of natural light.

Then we will have two days of intensive photography at the most iconic locations around Key West, as well as some little-known gems. We will concentrate on creating distinctive images built around color, shape, line and texture, making strong visual statements using these abstract elements of design. In the end, each participant will have a rich portfolio of images of this charming, picturesque and spectacular island.

We’ll be out in the field at sunrise and sunset to get the most interesting light. In between, we’ll have time for instruction in techniques you can apply immediately that focus on problem-solving, helping you hone your individual skills, and working with smart phones and iPads.

In addition, in our daily review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications, including instructions on the “Rokach effect,” which allows you to give your photographs an impressionistic cast. For more information, click here. THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW SOLD OUT.

Wildflowers of Texas: April 7-10 (SOLD OUT)

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Sponsored by the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden


We’ll be returning to the Brenham area of Texas, a prime spring wildflowers destination, for this popular 4-day digital photography workshop. We will go to several locations, including private ranches, to find the best places for photographing the eye-popping array of bluebonnets, coreopsis, Indian paintbrush, Texas wine cups and other colorful specimens which blanket wide swatches of the landscape here. We’ll be photographing at sunrise and late afternoon to sunset with time in between for instruction on the finer points of digital photography, including after-capture techniques; review sessions; and personal exploration of the local towns. This workshop sold out last year so register early. For details, click here. THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW SOLD OUT.

Storybook Holland: April 25-May 5

Thursday, January 28th, 2016


It’s been a few years since I last offered this very special foreign travel photography workshop. So don’t miss this chance to join me as we focus on Holland’s amazing extravaganza of tulips and other bulbs at prime locations in the Dutch countryside. We will also explore several of Holland’s charming and colorful villages.

You’ll be amazed by the acres of beautifully planted bulbs at the Keukenhof Gardens and a countryside blanketed with tulip fields. You’ll be delighted by the canals of Giethoorn and the iconic windmills around the town of Lekkerkirk. Visits to wonderful private gardens will complete your rare photo experience.

Our trip is geared to the needs and interests of photographers. Our group is limited to ten participants so you will get personal attention and one-on-one assistance throughout the workshop, whether you need advice on choosing the right lens, using the right settings, making the most of available light, adjusting to various kinds of weather or creating exciting compositions with color, texture and lines. Along the way, we will make time for review sessions to learn from each other’s images and develop our skills using easy after-capture techniques.

I invite you to join me on this spectacular photographic journey. For a detailed itinerary and additional information, please email me at [email protected]. To hold your space, your deposit of $1,000 is due by February 10.

Photographing the Great Gardens of the Mid-Atlantic Region: May 16-20

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Co-sponsored by Chanticleer Pleasure Garden and Mount Cuba Center


This unique 5-day flower and garden photography workshop gives you the chance to develop your creative and technical skills while exploring four spectacular gardens: Chanticleer, the Winterthur Estate, Longwood Gardens and Mount Cuba Center.

Instruction will be geared to the special features of each garden and the needs and interests of all participants. We have special permission to enter each park at sunrise and we’ll be able to stay in the gardens until sunset to make the most of the beautiful low light. We’ll have at least two field outings each day with the emphasis on composition, color and clarity of purpose. In our daily review session, we’ll find ways to improve our images and enhance them using today’s amazing after-capture applications.

All instructional and review sessions will take place at The Mt. Cuba Center. Lodging arrangements can be made by contacting Allen at 646-519-1751 or [email protected]. For more information and to register, click here.

Cuba: Incredible Havana and Beyond: A Photographic Adventure: May 27-31 (SOLD OUT)

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Sponsored by Key West Art and Historical Society

Optional extension from May 31-June 3


With relations between the United States and Cuba on the way to normalization, the things that make Cuba so visually rich and culturally interesting are likely to be transformed as an influx of tourists brings development and standardization. All the more reason to get there soon, before Cuba’s character changes.

During our basic journey — four days in Havana and one day in Vinales — we will visit and photograph some of Cuba’s UNESCO World Heritage sites; districts with historic colonial architecture; cobblestone streets and picturesque port areas lined with fisherman and vendors of all kinds; small art studios and cultural shops; open air markets with handicrafts; tobacco and other plantations with typical farming families.

The optional 3-night post-trip extension takes us to two of Cuba’s prime UNESCO World Heritage sites in Cienfuegos, with its French flavor, and Trinidad, one of the most beautiful towns in Cuba. In addition, we will venture into natural areas of great scenic beauty to experience Cuba’s mountains, waterfalls and beaches.

This photographic adventure has been arranged with an agent who has long experience running trips to Cuba and has all the necessary permits and approvals. It will include the full range of Cuba’s people, places and culture with enough time for meaningful photography and many opportunities to interact with local people. To add to our immersion in local culture, we will be staying with Cuban families with appropriate space to offer us comfortable lodging and breakfast. In addition, we’ll meet artists, writers, musicians and dancers.

For full information, click here. THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW SOLD OUT.