Archive for 2012

What’s New

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Dear Fellow Shutterbug,

I had a very active spring, with workshops in Key West, La Jolla, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, Richmond and Washington DC, capped off with a terrific ten-day travel photography workshop in Holland. We got see the vast Dutch bulb fields, some charming villages and the Floriade exposition, which takes place every ten years. You can read the article we wrote on Holland and check some of the images in the “New Shoots” at right.

In the past, I used to run many location-based workshops but it was difficult to get film processed and returned for our review sessions. The digital revolution has changed all that. Now it’s easy to bring along a laptop and projector so participants can easily edit and share their work the very same day.

This has enhanced the learning experience immeasurably and encouraged me to add more travel-related workshops. In fact, I’m already planning one to South India next January, based on the interest expressed by a number of participants. I’ve been to India several times and find the Hindu temples and colorful markets of South India visually rich and culturally fascinating. If you’d like more information about this travel photography workshop, email me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you get the information.

Anne and I have also begun writing a series of articles on travel photography. The first one grew out of our recent trip to Italy’s magnificent Amalfi Coast. You can read the article and you can check some additional images from that trip in the “New Shoots” to the right.

Some other recent articles you might want to check are:

  • What Everybody Ought to Know About Flash for Fantastic Flower Photography
  • 3 proven flower lighting techniques for beautiful macro photography
  • Gearing up for Classy Close-ups

Our next article will be on Vietnam featuring images from our 2011 trip to Southeast Asia. I’ll add the link once the article is posted. Do let me know what you think of our articles and send me ideas for other articles you’d like us to write.

My photo exhibit at The Studios of Key West was a big success with most of the prints sold. The bird images sold out completely and the ones of trees also sold well. If you want to purchase one of my prints for yourself or as a gift, just let me know. You can select from any images on my web site or tell me what you are looking for and I’ll find what you need. I can make the print whatever size you need so just get in touch.

I have a full schedule of fall workshops planned, as you’ll see below. I’ll be in many parts of the country and I look forward to seeing some old friends and making new ones. I hope you’ll find something that appeals to you and please let your photographer friends know about my offerings. Sign up and let’s have some fun photographing and learning together!

All the best,


Upcoming Workshops

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

  • September 8: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on How I See a Garden at the Clark Institute of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts. For details, click here.
  • September 9-10: Focus on Nature: A Digital Photography Workshop at the Clark Institute of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts. For details, click here.
  • September 28: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on The Magical World of Close-Up Floral Photography at the United States Botanic Garden, Washington, D.C. For details, click here.
  • September 29-30: Focus on Flowers: Discover the Beauty of Flower and Garden Photography, a digital photography workshop at the United States Botanic Garden, Washington, D.C. For details, click here.
  • October 5: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on Creative After-Capture Techniques at the Dallas Arboretum. For details, click here.
  • October 6-7: Photographing Chihuly’s Sculpture in a Garden Setting, a digital photography workshop at the Dallas Arboretum. For details, click here.
  • October 12: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on Seeing Trees at the Chicago Botanic Garden. For details, click here.
  • October 13-14: Local Color: A Creative Digital Photography Workshop on Fall Color at the Chicago Botanic Garden. For details, click here.
  • October 20-21: A Fall Photography Weekend Workshop at the Chanticleer Pleasure Garden, Wayne, Pennsylvania. For details, click here.
  • October 27-28: Bernheim Ablaze! a weekend photography workshop at the Bernheim Arboretum, near Louisville, Kentucky. For details, click here.
  • November 9: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on The Power of Natural Light at the Greenwich Garden Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. For details, click here.
  • November 16: Lecture and Audio-Visual Presentation on How I Look at Gardens at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach, Florida. For details, click here.
  • November 17: Art in the Digital Age: A Workshop on Creative Digital Photography at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach, Florida. For details, click here.

How I See a Garden: September 8

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Clark Institute of Art in Williamstown, MA

This free lecture and audio-visual presentation explores my personal perspective on some of the great private gardens I have visited and photographed around the United States – and the amazing people who created them. For details and to register, click here.

Focus on Nature: A Digital Nature Photography Workshop, September 9-10

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Clark Institute of Art in Williamstown, MA

Digital imaging has revolutionized photography and liberated photographers. In this intensive two-day photography workshop, I will guide participants to the limitless possibilities of digital nature, landscape, garden, and flower photography, finding our subjects on the Clark’s beautiful 140 acres of farms, pastures, woodlands, meadows, and ponds. For details and to register, click here.

The Magic of Close-Up Floral Photography, September 28

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC

This public lecture and audio-visual presentation will look at the many ways that close-ups of flowers extend our vision, technically and aesthetically, and will discuss digital camera and after-capture techniques that enable us to create amazing and beautiful close-ups. Check back for links to registration details.

Focus on Flowers: Discover the Beauty of Flowers and Gardens with Your Digital Camera, September 29 & 30

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC

The huge conservatory at the United States Botanic Garden is an ideal setting for photographing a wide variety of flowers and other plants. We’ll have access to the conservatory early in the morning before it opens to the public so we can focus on mastering macro-photography techniques with our digital cameras. We’ll also explore the newly refurbished gardens around the conservatory for additional photo opportunities. This intensive two-day workshop, co-sponsored by the Corcoran Gallery’s College of Art and Design, is designed for all photographers who want to improve their images of floral close-ups and groupings. The workshop will emphasize individualized instruction and include training in simple but amazing after-capture photo editing techniques, so bring your laptop. For details and to register, click here.

Creative After-Capture Techniques, October 5

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Dallas Arboretum in Dallas, TX

This public lecture and audio-visual presentation will focus on helping you discover all the fascinating technical opportunities that digital photography presents us with – not just in the camera but afterward, using some amazing and simple computer applications. You’ll see how these techniques will open new doors to your own creativity. Check back for links to registration details.

Photographing Chihuly’s Glass Sculptures in a Garden Setting, October 6-7

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Dallas Arboretum in Dallas, TX

The display of glass sculptures by Dale Chihuly on the grounds of the Dallas Arboretum offers the perfect opportunity to learn how to make photographic portrayals of these spectacular works that are as creative and artistic as the glass. We’ll start by learning how to work with the three key properties of glass: transparency, reflectivity and translucency. Then we’ll focus on the garden setting selected for each work. Finally, we’ll experiment with creative approaches to composition, light and color rendition to capture the essence of what we love in each Chihuly glass installation. Check back for links to registration details.

Seeing Trees, October 12

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Chicago Botanic Garden in Chicago, IL

This public lecture and audio-visual presentation focuses on the myriad ways to portray trees throughout the seasons. It will give you a greater appreciation for the beauty of trees and a new understanding of the photographic approaches that will enable you to depict trees with purpose, clarity and creativity. Check back for links to registration details.

Local Color: A Creative Digital Photography Workshop, October 13-14

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Chicago Botanic Garden in Chicago, IL

The Chicago Botanic Garden is unique for its variety of gardens — English, Japanese, prairie, etc. — which show especially well in the early fall, with many late-blooming flowers and a kaleidoscope of foliage colors and textures. This workshop will concentrate on creating images built around color, shape, line and texture, making strong visual statements using these abstract elements of design. Then, in our review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images working with today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications. Check back for links to registration details.

A Fall Photography Weekend Workshop, October 20-21

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Chanticleer Pleasure Garden in Wayne, Pennsylvania

The gardens at Chanticleer are designed to look spectacular in each season. In autumn, the garden’s innovative combination of plantings – a great mix of fall flowers and colorful foliage of every shape and texture — create an especially exciting palette for photographers. This workshop will concentrate on creating images built around color, shape, line and texture, making strong visual statements using these abstract elements of design. We will also focus on portraying flowers in their garden setting, which is so special at Chanticleer. Then, in our review sessions, we will explore ways to improve and fine-tune our images using today’s amazing but simple after-capture applications. For details and to register, click here.

Bernheim Ablaze! October 27-28

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

The Bernheim Arboretum, near Louisville, Kentucky

The Bernheim Arboretum is located in Kentucky’s most beautiful fall landscape. This intensive weekend workshop will focus on capturing the essence of nature at the peak of fall color. It is designed for photographers at all levels who want to expand their creativity and their digital photography skills. Through lectures, field sessions, review critiques and individual consultations, you will learn how develop a personal vision and how to realize what’s in your mind’s eye using your digital camera and after-capture techniques. For details and to register, click here.

The Power of Natural Light, November 9

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Greenwich Garden Club in Greenwich, CT

This lecture and audio-visual presentation will explore how every kind of natural light can be used to enhance photographs of nature, landscapes, gardens and flowers. Check back for links to registration details.

How I Look at Gardens, November 16

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Vero Beach Museum of Art in Vero Beach, FL

This lecture and audio-visual presentation explores my personal perspective on some of the great private gardens I have visited and photographed around the United States – and the amazing people who created them. Check back for links to registration details.

Art in the Digital Age: A Digital Photography Workshop, November 17

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Vero Beach Museum of Art in Vero Beach, FL

Ginko b&w

This workshop will explore the many ways that digital photography has opened new doors for creative expression. Even though we will be working with subjects from nature, the emphasis will be on developing an expansive photographic vision and learning how to use our digital cameras to help us articulate that vision. In daily outings, we will work on defining our individual perspectives and finding ways to realize them. Then in our review sessions, we will take advantage of today’s simple but amazing after-capture techniques to bring our images to even greater artistic heights, so bring your laptops. Check back for links to registration details.