Fall Color on Coastal Maine, October 25-30

Maine’s Acadia National Park is New England’s wilderness wonderland – a sometimes subtle, sometimes dramatic landscape of rocky coast, churning tides, wind-swept trees and soaring cliffs softened by ocean mists, mirror lakes and fascinating tidal pools.

This unique field workshop takes you to Acadia’s top nature settings during the peak of fall foliage, adding spectacular color to this majestic landscape. Outings include a boat excursion to nearby Baker Island, renowned as a uniquely pristine natural environment.

We’ll explore Acadia National Park through lectures, two daily field trips, review sessions, and individual consultations. You’ll receive in-depth instruction on all aspects of nature photography:

  • photographing in all kinds of weather and light;
  • composing with clarity and purpose
  • shooting water images, from reflections to crashing waves;
  • integrating land, sea and sky;
  • creating dramatic close-ups;
  • individual problem-solving;
  • learning how to get most out of your equipment for photographing nature PLUS
  • special attention to the creative potential of digital equipment during and after capture.


Workshop limit: 15 participants


For further information and to register, click here. To view images of Acadia National Park click here.