What’s New

Dear Fellow Shutterbug,

Winter is usually a time for me to hibernate, edit a huge backlog of images, do some printing and catch up on sleep. But this winter I have a bunch of new workshops in new locations and I hope some of them will entice you. For example, I’ll be offering workshops in Florida and California where I expect the weather to be fine.

But don’t let weather be a determining factor in your photographic efforts. Remember the freak snow storm that hit the east coast recently — even before winter officially arrives? While others were taking shelter, I found myself drawn into Central Park to see what I could see. I’ve included some of the images in my new shoots so take a look at what you can do — if you are willing to head outside, no matter what the weather.

To lure you out there, this winter I’m offering a couple of “meet and shoot” opportunities: one to Yosemite National Park in early March; another to the Platte River in Nebraska to photograph sandhill cranes in one of their key winter habitats. These are less formal than full workshops but give you a chance to come along to explore an environment that I’ll be photographing. Instruction will be offered in the field.

Also, I want to remind you about a new initiative: foreign trips built around my photo workshops. The first one, sponsored by the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, is “Storybook Holland” from April 21-30, 2012. Although this workshop is scheduled for next spring, I want you to know about it now since it takes place during Floriade 2012, an international horticultural expo held in the Netherlands only once every 10 years. If you want to see and photograph this eye-popping floral exhibition, as well as Holland’s magnificent gardens and delightful countryside, be sure to save the date and register early by going here. You don’t want to wait ten years for your next opportunity!

Finally, I want to mention a couple of upcoming exhibitions I’ll be having. There’s a one-man show of my photographs called “Taming the Garden” at the Studios of Key West in Florida from March 15-30. It’s a big, beautiful venue and Key West is a great location — I will also be offering a workshop there — so I do hope you’ll make an effort to come. The Studios are a major supporter of artists in every medium and I’m honored to be associated with them. I’m also on exhibit in Chicago from March 11-18 called “Focus on Flowers.”

With the year drawing to an end, I want to wish all of you a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Please remember that you can give the gift of photography to your loved ones. If you know someone who would appreciate being in one of my workshops or owning one of my prints, just contact me and we’ll make the arrangements.

Please see the listings below for details and tell your friends. Whether you are a returning student or a new participant, I hope to see you at one or more of these workshops to learn, have fun together and renew or build our connections.

All the best,

Allen Rokach