What’s New

Dear Fellow Shutterbug,

I’m just catching my breath following another busy fall with workshops in Washington DC, Texas, Connecticut, Chicago and Florida, capped off with a month in South America, focused on a fascinating visit to Peru.

And in just two days I’m off for my South India Photography Adventure. It promises to be a very exciting travel photography workshop and I’ll let you know more about it when I’m back in early February.

This is the latest of my new initiative: foreign trips built around my photo workshops. The first one, which ran last April, was “Storybook Holland,” which was so successful that I will be offering it again this spring. We will visit Holland’s magnificent gardens and delightful countryside at the peak of the annual bloom of tulips and other Dutch bulbs. Be sure to save the date and register early. I am also planning a workshop to France next July to photograph the magnificent chateau gardens of the Loire Valley, plus time at Monet’s famous garden at Giverny. I’ll have more details on this travel photography workshop soon.

In the meantime, I’ve put together a schedule of lectures and workshops for the next few months and I hope some of them will entice you. Please see the listings below for details and tell your friends. Whether you are a returning student or a new participant, I hope to see you at one or more of these workshops to learn, have fun together and renew or build our connections.

With the coming of a new year, I want to wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.

All the best and hope to see you soon,

Allen Rokach