Landscapes, Seascapes, Birds & Gardens of South Florida: February 21-23

The Studios of Key West

This intensive, long-weekend photography workshop gives us the unusual chance to explore three different South Florida environments with opportunities to photograph seascapes, landscapes, birds, flowers and gardens.

We begin with seascapes and landscapes along the sun-drenched Florida Keys, both early in the day as we drive from Key West to the mainland, and again toward sunset as we head back. Stopping at select locations, this part of the workshop will focus on creating beautiful effects with light and on composition along these coastal areas, applying ideas presented in my books Focus on Travel and The Field Guide to Photographing Landscapes.

Next, we will spend a late afternoon and the following morning developing our skills in photographing birds in Everglades National Park, one of America’s prime birding locations. We will apply techniques discussed in my book The Field Guide to Photographing Birds, such as achieving maximum sharpness, capturing typical bird behaviors, panning to show birds in flight and portraying birds in their environment.

Finally, we will visit two outstanding South Florida gardens: the Fairchild Tropical Garden and Vizcaya, for opportunities to capture these unique gardens in late-afternoon and early morning light. We will focus on capturing the beauty of the flowers and gardens and honing our skills in close-up photography, creative composition, selective focus and proper exposure.

This workshop includes two nights at a South Florida hotel plus breakfast. For more information and to register, click here.