What’s New


Dear Fellow Shutterbug,

A belated happy new year and wishing you a successful 2016 photographically.

I have a great line-up of workshops coming this year with more of an emphasis on travel and nature destinations, though flower photography is still very much in the mix.

The spring months will feature a workshop in Key West, Florida; a return to Texas for their glorious wildflowers; a great opportunity to photograph Holland at the peak of its phenomenal bulb bloom; a wonderful chance to visit and photograph four the best public gardens in the mid-Atlantic region; and a new twist on Cuba that will bring us closer to its people and let us visit iconic locations in Havana and beyond. (I’ve run two photo trips to Cuba in the last year and learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t so you can benefit from my experience.) And that’s just the beginning.

I’ll be back in Chicago twice this year. First, I’ll be there in July with a brand new exploration of the fabulous Chicago Botanic Garden plus four other amazing gardens in the vicinity, all at the peak of their summer bloom. Then I’ll return in October to offer a multi-faceted program consisting of a lecture, a workshop and a symposium on digital flower and nature photography. Lots of learning in Chicago this year.

The year will wind down with a few favorite destination workshops. In September, by popular demand, I’ll be taking a group on a photo adventure called “Landscapes of the American West,” which will explore some of this country’s prime western locations, including Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Monument Valley and much more. I haven’t offered this trip in quite a while so don’t miss the opportunity to come along.

Then in November, I’ll be returning to Big Bend National Park and in December, I’ll be offering “Birds and Landscapes of New Mexico” following our sold-out expeditions to these locations last year.

Scroll down to read more about all these offerings. I hope you will join me at one or more of these exciting opportunities to learn, have fun and meet wonderful people who share your interest in photography.

All the best and hope to see you soon,

Allen Rokach