What’s New

Summer 2017 update

Dear Fellow Shutterbug,

I hope you didn’t think that I’d stepped off the planet for a while. I know I’ve been delinquent about updating this website but I’ve still been running a full schedule of workshops, including “Wildflowers of Texas;” “Cuba: People and Places;” “Landscapes of the American West;” and “Birds and Landscapes of New Mexico,” with many of you in attendance.

In addition, I hope you’ve been reading the articles Anne and I have been writing for the Adorama Learning Center. We’ve gotten lots of good feedback and would love to get more so let me know what you think or send us your requests for subjects we can write about in the future.

I have a great line-up of workshops in the coming year with more of an emphasis on travel and nature destinations, though flower photography is still very much in the mix. In fact, my first summer workshop will be a brand new one to photograph lotuses and waterlilies at two magnificent aquatic gardens in the Washington D.C. area. Now that I’m based in New York City, I’ll also be teeming up with Fotocare to run some local weekend workshops that explore special destinations around the city, some in each season starting this summer.

I’ll be off for some personal travels this fall, but I’ll be back in time to offer “Birds and Landscapes of New Mexico,” which went very well last year. Then the new year begins with another incredible India workshop, a 3-week odyssey which focuses on the people and places of the Hindu region of South India. Please note that this workshop is already nearly full.

The spring months will feature a Color & Light workshop in Key West, Florida; another very exciting new workshop to explore the diverse landscapes of Death Valley; a return to Texas for its glorious wildflowers; a great opportunity to photograph Holland at the peak of its phenomenal bulb bloom; a new twist on Cuba that will bring us closer to its people and let us visit iconic locations in Havana and beyond; and a brand new exploration of the fabulous Chicago Botanic Garden, this time in the spring.

Scroll down to read more about all these offerings. I hope you will join me at one or more of these exciting opportunities to learn, have fun and meet wonderful people who share your interest in photography.

All the best and hope to see you soon,
Allen Rokach